Magnolia is an AKC registered, lilac platinum French Bulldog. She has completed all of her health testing and is expecting her first litter in February of 2025. Noli is incredibly friendly and outgoing. She loves exploring and going on fun adventures with the family. She is a daughter of Lily and is a 3rd generation from my program.
Lily is an AKC registered blue brindle French Bulldog. Lily is everyone's emotional support dog. She is reliable, independent and loves to be with her people. She has never met a stranger. She is the daughter of Lilac and is a 2nd generation from my program.
Crumble is an AKC registered blue merle with tan points. Rookie is outgoing, very sweet and loves hiking. She's always very aware of her surroundings and the first to let her family know of any changes. She is a daughter of Rookie and 2nd generation from my program.
Nico is friendly, outgoing, and an adventurer at heart. Hiking and traveling are some of his favorite things to do. He is fabulous with children. We are so thrilled with the quality and consistency we have seen in his litters thus far and can't wait to see what else is in store for him.
Shakespearean Frenchies
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